Posted on 05/03/2023 in News & Events | 52
Volunteers are essential to our ministries! There are many ways one can serve, but some areas we are in need of extra help right now are:
Summer Children’s Sunday School Teachers
Sunday Scripture Readers
Media & Sound Volunteers
Youth Group Supper Providers
Contact Missy at or by calling the church office if you would like to serve!
Posted on 05/03/2023 in News & Events | 84
Little did I know six years ago that I would be appointed to my longest and most fruitful ministry of all time. Some of my favorite memories from FUMCGC include ministry to nursing homes, starting the broken chains ministry, and the wonderful people we met at Finney County Jail, going on confirmation trips, the chapel with the preschool, being a chaplain at the hospital, parades during Christmas, Numana meals, and the list could go on and on. I want to thank everyone for your prayers, love, and support during these six years.
As I enter this new season of ministry at Pleasant Valley UMC, I take with me all the things I have learned here. I want to thank Pastor Tod for agreeing to bring me to Garden City as his associate. I want to thank Pastor Charles for helping me in so many ways, one of those is through his leadership. I want to thank Missy Allen for assisting me in my ministry to the children, you have a gift and people are blessed to have you here. I want to thank Jenny Maier for all her support and encouragement. She always went above and beyond the call of duty in so many things. I want to thank Sean Boller for his gift of music and for blessing us each Sunday in worship. I want to thank Hunter Haack for stepping up in the role of an administrative assistant, for your help and for being the first person people see when they come to the office, and for making them feel welcome.
Posted on 05/12/2021 in News & Events | 36
We are looking forward to our June sermon series, “The Rise and Fall of King Saul.
Do you experience fear?
Do you struggle with jealousy?
Do you struggle to trust in God?
Come join us for a sermon series on the books of Samuel as we study the challenges of King Saul and the importance of keeping God in the center of our hearts.
Posted on 05/12/2021 in News & Events | 24
Thank you to all of those who helped deliver Meals on Wheels for the month of April! In the past 4 weeks our congregation helped deliver around 250 meals per week to the homebound in Garden City. You all did a great job! May God bless each and every one of you.
Our congregation volunteers to deliver meals every spring around April and May. If you would like to help us serve the community in this way watch for announcements next March and April to sign up!
Posted on 05/10/2021 in News & Events | 39
On Thursday, May 6th, Church Council met and agreed on lifting the Covid-19 restrictions which were in place at First United Methodist Church of Garden City. We are excited to return to regular building use and activities! All are welcome and we encourage everyone to practice the recommendations they are comfortable with.
Posted on 05/03/2021 in News & Events | 82
View the May – July 2021 issue of the Disciples Dispatch here!
In this issue you will find:
- Upcoming Events
- Reflections from our Pastors
- Information on the Nyamakope Village Water Project
- An update on our Broken Chains Ministry
- Coming updates and changes to our building
- An update and celebration of our sponsored Scout Troop
- And much more!
Posted on 05/02/2021 in News & Events | 60
Reverend Don Hasty has completed his service to the Great Plains Conference as the Dodge City and Hays District Superintendent and will be reappointed this July. We will be hosting him to preach and recognizing his service to our congregation and district on May 23rd.
Join us in thanking Reverend Hasty for his service!
Sunday, May 23rd | 8:30 & 11:00 AM
Posted on 04/28/2021 in News & Events | 119
This event is postponed until a later date.
Get ready for some fun! This year’s Dessert Auction is right around the corner!
Sunday, May 2nd
5:30 – 8:30
Fellowship Hall
There will be games, door prizes, a silent auction, and of coarse our live Cake Auction!
Sign up to bring Cakes or Silent Auction Items in the Welcome Center or by emailing or
All proceeds support the Youth Mission Trip Fund.
Posted on 04/28/2021 in News & Events | 79
Join us May 1st and 2nd as we kick off our new Sermon Series, “Breaking Through the Wilderness”! We will be exploring what is next for us as Christians as we face the changes caused by the recent pandemic. How are we to respond to continued hardship and suffering? What path has Christ laid for us?
Saturday, May 1st at 5:45 PM and Sunday May 2nd at 8:30 and 11:00 AM
We can’t wait to see you!
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” ~ Isaiah 43:19
Posted on 04/21/2021 in News & Events | 138
Mark your calendars!
VBS is June 7th -11th this summer from 9:00 to 11:45 am.
Volunteers are needed!
Sign up with the church office if you can help with snacks, crafts, games, or teaching!
Donations Needed
A list of needed snack and project items will be available in the Welcome Center. Please check it out and sign up to bring what you can!