Adult Sunday School Classes

At First United Methodist Church in Garden City, we offer a wide range of Sunday School options for adults in any phase of their lives. Come join us and learn what it means to be the hands of Jesus as we mature spiritually in Him.
All classes meet on Sundays at 10:30 AM in their designated rooms.

Sunday School

Seekers (Room 209)
Sowers (Room 207)
Adult life sharing
Village (Room 216)
30-40 yr old adult, Study to be determined
The Builders (Wesley Hall)
Cokesbury Adult Bible Study
Children’s/Youth Studies:
2&3 year old (Room 110)
PreK, Kindergarten, 1st (Room 208)
2nd, 3rd, 4th (Room 210)
5th and 6th (Room 212)
Confirmation (Basement)
Middle School and High School (Basement)
Donuts with Jesus (Room 218)
Middle & High School Girls