Holy Week Services and Activities
Holy Week begins THIS WEEKEND, March 27TH & 28th with our Palm Sunday services! Join us to celebrate Jesus Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem! We have lots more in store, check it all out!
Palm Sunday
Saturday, March 27th | 5:45 PM | Chapel
Sunday, March 28th | 9:30 AM | Sanctuary
Holy Week Activities
Grab an activity bag on Palm Sunday or in the church office and participate in daily activities to rejuvenate your relationship with Christ!
Easter Celebration
Wednesday, March 31st | 7:00 PM
Pre-K through 6th Graders join us for our Easter Celebration of games, crafts, and an Easter Egg Hunt!
Gather in the Welcome Center at 7:00 PM!
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 1st | 6:30 PM | Sanctuary
Join us for a service remembrance and reflection on Jesus Christ’s final commandment to love one another as he loved us.
Easter Sunday
Saturday April 3rd | 5:45 PM | Chapel
Sunday, April 4th | 8:30 & 11:00 AM | Sanctuary
Rejoice with us for He has risen! Note that we are bringing back our TWO Sunday morning services with a slight change in the schedule for our second service. We can’t wait to see you!